About Show Racism the red card

Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is anti-racism and anti-discrimination programme. Show Racism the Red Card uses the power of football and the status of football players to help tackle racism and other forms of discrimination in society. We have developed an educational programme addressing racism and other forms of discrimination in society. The educational programme focuses on what racism and discrimination are, where it comes from and how it affects people.

Everyone is different. There are differences that can be seen on the outside; you can be tall, someone else can be small. You can have a dark skin colour while someone else has a lighter skin colour. There are also many differences that can’t be seen from the outside. For example what you enjoy doing or who you might love. Besides differences, there are also many similarities between people: you can for example love the same sport, share the same religion or wear the same type of clothing. One important similarity between us all, is that most of us like to be accepted, loved and included just the way we are and that we find it upsetting to be excluded from things.

But how do you actually know what racism is and know who or what is racist? Sometimes it can be hard to recognise racism, especially if it’s not targeted at yourself. The problem is that some people are deliberately racist while others might behave in a racist manner without being aware that they are hurting other people with their words or actions. Racism takes many different forms and can happen in many places. It includes prejudices, discrimination and exclusion because of someone’s skin colour, religion, nationality or culture. People might be grouped and discriminated against based on these grounds. Learning about racism helps being aware of the issue and making sure you and others around you don’t hurt anyone with words or actions. If you would like to know a bit more about the different topics, click here.


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